domenica 14 agosto 2011

(change for copywright reason a video series already existed with the precedent title)

padre Kolbe - first leader on earth of the Militia of the Immaculate

Mia amata Mamma, verso la fine del mese di maggio sono giunto con un convoglio ferroviario nel campo di Auschwitz. Da me va tutto bene. Amata Mamma, stai tranquilla per me e per la mia salute, perché il buon Dio c'è in ogni luogo e con grande amore pensa a tutti e a tutto

My dear Mother, toward the end of may I reached on a train carriage Auschwitz. All is well with me. Beloved Mother. do not worry for me and my health,because God's goodness is everywhere and with great love cares for everyone and everything.

London August 2011 - the looters managed to burn down a five generations old store but not the good  generation in flesh that gives us hope. With all those affected and combating for the good.

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