mercoledì 31 agosto 2011

Orthodoxically speaking

Abbondio (Tessalonica - Como 468)

Bp who fought against various heresies in particular in defence of the Nicene Creed, his feast day, orthodoxically speaking, falls on the day previous this post of mine.

Too obvious a connection?  thoughts go to don Abbondio in The Bethroded by Alessandro Manzoni. Fearful of authorities, he talks of himself as a terracotta vase caught and tossed between the iron vessels representing the authorities of the times.

Am I allowed to turn my thoughts to Cardinal Bertone who tries to pour some Catholic values into politics gathering the terracotta vessels embodied by our Italian Christian politicians?

ps I double checked and the post falls this time on the right day (not that Saints should be dropped out of consideration straight after their feast days ;)

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