Abbondio (Tessalonica - Como 468)
Bp who fought against various heresies in particular in defence of the Nicene Creed, his feast day, orthodoxically speaking, falls on the day previous this post of mine.
Too obvious a connection? thoughts go to don Abbondio in The Bethroded by Alessandro Manzoni. Fearful of authorities, he talks of himself as a terracotta vase caught and tossed between the iron vessels representing the authorities of the times.
Am I allowed to turn my thoughts to Cardinal Bertone who tries to pour some Catholic values into politics gathering the terracotta vessels embodied by our Italian Christian politicians?
ps I double checked and the post falls this time on the right day (not that Saints should be dropped out of consideration straight after their feast days ;)
mercoledì 31 agosto 2011
martedì 30 agosto 2011
Saint John the Baptist, martyr - a woman had the head of this prophet under the axe
Margherita Ward martyr - a woman lost her life to protect a Catholic priest from imprisonment
The power of faith (or lack of in doing evil)
Margherita Ward martyr - a woman lost her life to protect a Catholic priest from imprisonment
The power of faith (or lack of in doing evil)
domenica 28 agosto 2011
Sometimes they do
Fall far from the good tree....but then good apples always roll back home
Augustine - Monica's son
Augustine - Monica's son
sabato 27 agosto 2011
Saintly family trees
Saint Augustine mother
How many families can you name that have more than one Saint in?
Saint Augustine mother
How many families can you name that have more than one Saint in?
venerdì 26 agosto 2011
A name to a face
For some info on his life and deeds google him yourself wiki or a Catholic website. There is a wealth on info in the cyberkingdom. The upkeeping of which we entrust to king Saint Louis
lunedì 22 agosto 2011
Andrea da Fiesole, Scotus
Google it yourself...the connection with salad in this saintly life ;)
(and stop by any saint that appeal to your spiritual buds)
Google it yourself...the connection with salad in this saintly life ;)
(and stop by any saint that appeal to your spiritual buds)
domenica 21 agosto 2011
Pious X and the sweeping winds of modernism
Pious X
Liturgy, catechism. renewal of sacred music, biblical studies, reform of Canon Law, centralisation of Church organisation, restoration of rigour and moralisation within the Church. These the core concerns of his papacy along with sheltering this from State interferences on the local clergy, which happened especially in France and Spain, as well as from the dangers of modernism...
All consolidating works on deck on the journeying ark that could not take place at the drop of a hat ;)
Liturgy, catechism. renewal of sacred music, biblical studies, reform of Canon Law, centralisation of Church organisation, restoration of rigour and moralisation within the Church. These the core concerns of his papacy along with sheltering this from State interferences on the local clergy, which happened especially in France and Spain, as well as from the dangers of modernism...
All consolidating works on deck on the journeying ark that could not take place at the drop of a hat ;)
biblical studies,
sabato 20 agosto 2011
Saint Bernard of Clarevalle
Patron Saint of bee keepers
What thoughts are buzzing around your mind today? Share the honey with your spiritual sister or brother.
(for mine...that episode of his late very late age involving him and his sister non stormy night...)
May the Lord bless you, whatever
Patron Saint of bee keepers
What thoughts are buzzing around your mind today? Share the honey with your spiritual sister or brother.
(for mine...that episode of his late very late age involving him and his sister non stormy night...)
May the Lord bless you, whatever
venerdì 19 agosto 2011
Couldn't get my head around this one
Ludovico d'Angiò, Bishop
Which teaching can we extract?
Called first to become a king, he renounced to the crown in favour of his brother and chose the Franciscan habit, which he wore also under his episcopal robes. After his death the body was reexumed and it was found out that the brain was missing.
Tip of the day - think of how each part of your body is playing his part in your ministry and call path (clue, do not overlook what calls for treasuring...)
Which teaching can we extract?
Called first to become a king, he renounced to the crown in favour of his brother and chose the Franciscan habit, which he wore also under his episcopal robes. After his death the body was reexumed and it was found out that the brain was missing.
Tip of the day - think of how each part of your body is playing his part in your ministry and call path (clue, do not overlook what calls for treasuring...)
giovedì 18 agosto 2011
Spiritual heirloom
Elena the Emperess
Your choice.
Elena wore it in a long platt and linnen is cultivated on her feast day to symbolise its strength. Saint Clare had it cut by San Francesco' s own hands in sign of humility and obedience.
But no shortcuts on the path to faith!
PC note For those who have...for those who don't...let the Lord shine forth from atop :)
Your choice.
Elena wore it in a long platt and linnen is cultivated on her feast day to symbolise its strength. Saint Clare had it cut by San Francesco' s own hands in sign of humility and obedience.
But no shortcuts on the path to faith!
PC note For those who have...for those who don't...let the Lord shine forth from atop :)
mercoledì 17 agosto 2011
How's your spiritual appetite today asked Rocco to his brothers and sisters in pilgrimage.
Well, these words were not actually uttered by the Saint patron of pilgrims nor words in the line of
A Saint a day keeps the devil away.
Have you taken your daily Word?
Keep your spiritual pulse in check.
Do not set on your daily journey without having fuelled up on prayer.
Do not slip on the nails of shortcomings and if you do, see a confessor asap to seal the tyres and not let Grace flow out
How's your spiritual appetite today asked Rocco to his brothers and sisters in pilgrimage.
Well, these words were not actually uttered by the Saint patron of pilgrims nor words in the line of
A Saint a day keeps the devil away.
Have you taken your daily Word?
Keep your spiritual pulse in check.
Do not set on your daily journey without having fuelled up on prayer.
Do not slip on the nails of shortcomings and if you do, see a confessor asap to seal the tyres and not let Grace flow out
martedì 16 agosto 2011
In loving memory
who died, a boy,at the hands of his persecutors,holding forth in the clasp of his hands the one who is in our hearts and leaps with joy in the deepest of our midst when we find ourselves in the familial presence of the brothers and sisters mirroring tabernacles of our souls in the Creator.
Santa Chiara da Montefalco
A nun who took part to various discussion defending Truth against heresies.
When the ciborium is back in the safety of the tabernacle do you hold Jesus solely to yourself?
who died, a boy,at the hands of his persecutors,holding forth in the clasp of his hands the one who is in our hearts and leaps with joy in the deepest of our midst when we find ourselves in the familial presence of the brothers and sisters mirroring tabernacles of our souls in the Creator.
Santa Chiara da Montefalco
A nun who took part to various discussion defending Truth against heresies.
When the ciborium is back in the safety of the tabernacle do you hold Jesus solely to yourself?
domenica 14 agosto 2011
(change for copywright reason a video series already existed with the precedent title)
padre Kolbe - first leader on earth of the Militia of the Immaculate
Mia amata Mamma, verso la fine del mese di maggio sono giunto con un convoglio ferroviario nel campo di Auschwitz. Da me va tutto bene. Amata Mamma, stai tranquilla per me e per la mia salute, perché il buon Dio c'è in ogni luogo e con grande amore pensa a tutti e a tutto
My dear Mother, toward the end of may I reached on a train carriage Auschwitz. All is well with me. Beloved Mother. do not worry for me and my health,because God's goodness is everywhere and with great love cares for everyone and everything.
London August 2011 - the looters managed to burn down a five generations old store but not the good generation in flesh that gives us hope. With all those affected and combating for the good.
padre Kolbe - first leader on earth of the Militia of the Immaculate
Mia amata Mamma, verso la fine del mese di maggio sono giunto con un convoglio ferroviario nel campo di Auschwitz. Da me va tutto bene. Amata Mamma, stai tranquilla per me e per la mia salute, perché il buon Dio c'è in ogni luogo e con grande amore pensa a tutti e a tutto
My dear Mother, toward the end of may I reached on a train carriage Auschwitz. All is well with me. Beloved Mother. do not worry for me and my health,because God's goodness is everywhere and with great love cares for everyone and everything.
London August 2011 - the looters managed to burn down a five generations old store but not the good generation in flesh that gives us hope. With all those affected and combating for the good.
sabato 13 agosto 2011
Laying the way to the ministry (and the Table)
Ippolito di Roma -theologician and the first antipope, after reconciling with the real Pope(had opposed both the ones that had succeded each other in election), was executed with the second after imprisonment. Secular authorities were evidently deeply concerned about both. In spite of his staunch defence against heresy and moral laxism toward adultery and homicide?
Giovanna Francesca de Chantal - a charismatic Bishop and her faithful disciple, a woman mother of two children, who after raising them, dedicated her life to collaborating with San Frances of Sales Bishop of Ginevra. Seems that the role of the laity started to bud between the 17th and 18th century, though the thought also goes to the deaconesses who helped the priests and the women supporting the disciples in various ways. Never did they preach from the pulpit nor they were called to the celebration of the memorial of the sacrifice of the Last Supper.
Giovanna Francesca de Chantal - a charismatic Bishop and her faithful disciple, a woman mother of two children, who after raising them, dedicated her life to collaborating with San Frances of Sales Bishop of Ginevra. Seems that the role of the laity started to bud between the 17th and 18th century, though the thought also goes to the deaconesses who helped the priests and the women supporting the disciples in various ways. Never did they preach from the pulpit nor they were called to the celebration of the memorial of the sacrifice of the Last Supper.
giovedì 11 agosto 2011
Saint Clare
Saint Clare
Please forgive my slip on tradition if I entrust all workers to her prayers.
Been reading a book on John Paul II pilgrimage to Maremma visiting factories, mines and other places where industrious humanity was allowed to flourish in working conditions fully respectful of human dignity.
Though the way is still long...but just think of what Saint Francesco did with a small bunch of friars restructuring that ruined church - with the intercessory prayers of Saint Clare ;)
Please forgive my slip on tradition if I entrust all workers to her prayers.
Been reading a book on John Paul II pilgrimage to Maremma visiting factories, mines and other places where industrious humanity was allowed to flourish in working conditions fully respectful of human dignity.
Though the way is still long...but just think of what Saint Francesco did with a small bunch of friars restructuring that ruined church - with the intercessory prayers of Saint Clare ;)
martedì 9 agosto 2011
Santa Teresa della Croce
Formerly Edith Stein
Have you ever wondered why nuns change their name but diocesan or religious priests never do?
If you had too, what would your choice be?
Have you ever wondered why nuns change their name but diocesan or religious priests never do?
If you had too, what would your choice be?
lunedì 8 agosto 2011
Back roosting
Starting from today, and invoking all Saints forgiveness for this forgetting of updating, I shall procede to back roost
Domenico di Guzman - portrayed in the icons holding a book. Com'on! Ponder how you would like to be portrayed in never know (the Lord does)
Donato - collected the pieces of the broken chalice and poured the wine with no drop falling out. How similar to pieceing together a broken parish and pouring in the Word of the Lord?
Giordano, martyr - born in Agrigento died in Nagasaki. Where will your ministry take you?
Emidio, martyr, cephalophorous, carrying his own head - don't lose it to the lures of secularism!
Giovanni Maria Vianney - why not entrusting yourself to him before starting your confessional schedule?
Lidia - she hosted the Word of the Lord and then, having made her heart his home, those who ministered it.
Eusebio da Vercelli, Bishop- battled against Arianism. Do we call them protestant denominations today? ;)
Domenico di Guzman - portrayed in the icons holding a book. Com'on! Ponder how you would like to be portrayed in never know (the Lord does)
Donato - collected the pieces of the broken chalice and poured the wine with no drop falling out. How similar to pieceing together a broken parish and pouring in the Word of the Lord?
Giordano, martyr - born in Agrigento died in Nagasaki. Where will your ministry take you?
Emidio, martyr, cephalophorous, carrying his own head - don't lose it to the lures of secularism!
Giovanni Maria Vianney - why not entrusting yourself to him before starting your confessional schedule?
Lidia - she hosted the Word of the Lord and then, having made her heart his home, those who ministered it.
Eusebio da Vercelli, Bishop- battled against Arianism. Do we call them protestant denominations today? ;)
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