sabato 25 giugno 2011

Fore Crawlers

I wish I could remember all the names
Lets hope Frs will remember in a few years time to ask the kids what they remember of the day
And lets make sure next time visitors will know that the Baptistry holds not a mass celebration but a special for a few
Rejoicing in the decibels raising the Bp's ears above the avarage pastoral council
In waiting for the 2011-2012 crawling lot

And making sure from their push chairs  at the door, serious faced,  that their name is on the selected list

Guglielmo Abate (Vercelli,1085-Goleto di Nusco, Avellino, 1142)
In modern terms, a pilgrimage sites trotter.

One more memory from the day? That toddling boy thudding flat down when the Bp was reminding the pews of God's saving mercy :)

Un solo Battesimo. La Chiesa Fiorentina fa memoria del Battesimo dei suoi figli nel bel San Giovanni

Solennità di San Giovanni Battista patrono della città di Firenze

24 Giugno 2011, ore 18 30

Battistero di San Giovanni Battista

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