sabato 16 settembre 2017

(Santa Teresa d’Avila (1515-1582), carmelitana, dottore della Chiesa. Poesie «Vuestra soy, para vos nací»)

Sono tua poichè mi hai creata
sono tua perché mi hai redenta
sono tua poiché per me hai sofferto
sono tua poiché mi hai attesa
sono tua perché non mi sono perduta :
che cosa vuoi farne di me ?
Che cosa vuoi o mio buon Signore
che faccia una così umile creatura ?
Che compito vuoi dare a questa indegna peccatrice ?
Vedi, io sono qui, mio dolce amore
amore dolce, sono qui
che cosa vuoi farne di me ?
Vedi qui c’è il mio cuore,
io lo metto nelle tue mani :
così come il mio corpo, la mia vita e la mia anima,
tutta me stessa e tutte le mie preoccupazioni.
Dolce sposo e Redentore,
poiché mi sono data tutta a te
che cosa vuoi farne di me ?
Porti frutto o non ne porti
parli o taccia,
mostrami la strada da percorrere.
Sia felice nell’annunciare il Vangelo.
Che io soffra o sia felice
Tu solo sei nel mio cuore.
Che cosa vuoi farne di me?

Per la traduzione ringrazio

lunedì 4 settembre 2017

Fr in the box said that a healthy confession habit is a monthly one. To beat scrupolosity and yet in check. I wonder, would that be like a spiritual holter? Keeping off the bad cholesterol of sin that keeps Grace from oxigenating our spiritual body and cleansing from the debris? Always connected with a handy prayer at beep.Sort of what another Fr in the box said. Do not forget to have your results checked and rely on the keys of Peter.

Gospel According to Saint Matthew Ch 16
[16] Simon Peter answered and said: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God. [17]And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven. [18]And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. [19] And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven. [20] Then he commanded his disciples, that they should tell no one that he was Jesus the Christ.

Plenty in the Catholic well to draw from. I wish I could remember the snap one Fr suggested. Could not write it down.

Gesu' Giuseppe e Maria siate la salvezza dell'anima mia.

A safe holding line from my  primary school days. Yours? God is always on line.

martedì 2 giugno 2015


Ci sto ci sto...senza riserve!

Unico dubbio. Mo' la donna cannone mediatica c'e'. Non so poi se mi sciolgo in estate.

Ggiornate de si ' dia il fischio di inizio. Per il rilancio del volano di una nuova umanita'.

Ci incontreremo in piazza Franchi? L'angolo l'aggia capito. Non tengu necessita' di camionate cambi alla San Remo.

Avra' segnato il mio numero?

venerdì 8 novembre 2013

On the grill

Shame that Cardinal Dolan was not at hand. What? No not what you are thinking about and for truth sake this is a dish put together by my mother, my father being in charge of the fireplace grid.

So what is at steak...stake...

An imaginary dinner. As a matter of fact I was sitting in the station chapel and a lady started chatting to me telling me how amongs other things once her 5 year old grandkid asked her:

Do you eat well in Heaven?

Mulling over the question I just came up with the thought what if let us reset the scene in a Marthian setting ;)

Say that the Cardinal is sitting at the table and the child serves up the Q.

Now what would I reply? looking at the eminent presence  I would say

No...fear his guardian angel would have a slim chance of lifting him up to Heaven.

Which leads us to the point of wondering how to teach a 5 yaer old about the importance of a good spiritual diet and the control of ...mememe more...(appetites in adult talk).

Light lunch ...enjoy the sailing :)

mercoledì 23 ottobre 2013

Spousal mystery - in prayer we bend(by tears we are washed ;))

lunedì 7 ottobre 2013

Hey you! Sir! You dressed in white. Turns round. Where do you think you are going? To work.Sorry sir no
no entry. Ok said Francis joining the queue.

venerdì 4 ottobre 2013

Temper failed me with failing of the Internet connection. Their culpa the Internet. Ended up with scattered sheets on the floor :O

Lost one 50000 worth cooker on cafèland failed to look at the bottom of the screen for the accept key and undercooked hubby fishfingers whilst overdoing the leeks.

Teaches you the real value of not that rightful anger.

Soothing soup memory :)

Keeping the Divine Mercy Chaplet flowing. Sung version helps memorising the words.