venerdì 8 novembre 2013

On the grill

Shame that Cardinal Dolan was not at hand. What? No not what you are thinking about and for truth sake this is a dish put together by my mother, my father being in charge of the fireplace grid.

So what is at steak...stake...

An imaginary dinner. As a matter of fact I was sitting in the station chapel and a lady started chatting to me telling me how amongs other things once her 5 year old grandkid asked her:

Do you eat well in Heaven?

Mulling over the question I just came up with the thought what if let us reset the scene in a Marthian setting ;)

Say that the Cardinal is sitting at the table and the child serves up the Q.

Now what would I reply? looking at the eminent presence  I would say

No...fear his guardian angel would have a slim chance of lifting him up to Heaven.

Which leads us to the point of wondering how to teach a 5 yaer old about the importance of a good spiritual diet and the control of ...mememe more...(appetites in adult talk).

Light lunch ...enjoy the sailing :)

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