sabato 13 agosto 2011

Laying the way to the ministry (and the Table)

Ippolito di Roma -theologician and the first antipope, after reconciling with the real Pope(had opposed both the ones that had succeded each other in election), was executed with the second  after imprisonment. Secular authorities were evidently deeply concerned about both. In spite of his staunch defence against heresy and moral laxism toward adultery and homicide?

Giovanna Francesca de Chantal -  a charismatic Bishop  and her faithful disciple, a woman mother of two children, who after raising them, dedicated her life to collaborating with San Frances of Sales Bishop of Ginevra. Seems that the role of the laity started to bud between the 17th  and 18th century, though the thought also goes to the deaconesses who helped the priests and the women supporting the disciples in various ways. Never did they preach from the pulpit nor they were called to the celebration of the memorial of the sacrifice of the Last Supper.

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