giovedì 22 dicembre 2011

Ivo di Chartres

 Martyr of Canon Law ;) collected and reordered all the various rules and regulations giving them consistency and a more handy format. Relatively so anyway as two volumes  resulted from his labours: Decretum and Panormia.

1116 the year of  the death of this Bishop...895 years later and we can contemplate the possibility of equipping each Bishop with a pocket Kindle to consult the Canon in a click. With an Ask a Canonist a question section. Add to it a Buzzwhenitsensesanheresy App and we can stay assured all our Bps (and clergy) travel in safety.

Zaccaria and Elisabeth

Had Zacharia possessed an ipod, he could have communicated the message by typing. Times were not ripe yet...and the Lord was still at work with old fashioned traditional miracles.

A babe to us is born!

mercoledì 21 dicembre 2011

 Frances Cabrini

Would a lady saint (or saintly lady) have better dealt with the emergency below? We shall never know. But we can entrust her all the pregnant women living in difficult immigration circumstances. All women facing the same when delivering a baby but circumstances not always equally favourable.

Leonardo di Noblat

 An abbot and a delivering Queen...not delivering a speech but a baby. A miraculous turning out of the events that Leonardo happened to be  living in his hermitage not far from the spot where King Clodoveo found himself facing an emergency outside of his regular kingly tasks.Worth having renounced the episcopacy?;)

martedì 20 dicembre 2011


Martyrised when he became prisoner of the Saracens.That was back in the XII century.

Pietro Canisio

Post with which I have already stepped into tomorrow's. 'Followers of new doctrines': we are only in the 16th century and this is the PC wording he used to refer to Lutherans. JP II woud have rubber stamped this ecumenical opening and touch.

lunedì 19 dicembre 2011

Ursicino da Pagliara 

Trusting the will of the Lord, he blindly threw his stick to get the sign of where he was to build his monastery (following Colombanus rule)

Adeudato I

A consoling figure in times of darkness.

Casting these posts in the darkness of your doubts praying it will bear light and fruit ;)

domenica 18 dicembre 2011

Berardo from Pagliara

 Gifted with taumaturgical powers. XII century.


 A doctor who was accused of exploiting the frail state of the ones he cured to convert them to Christianity. When? already between II and III century.

sabato 17 dicembre 2011

Leone I Magno

 A stronghold against the barbaric invasions, this Pope stood up to Attila and then Genserico, put Rome's pieces together and set the basis for the Pontifical State keeping a number of emperors under his thumb and setting the relationship between spiritual and temporal level restoring Orthodoxy via a number of conciliums.


With his sister Valburga another Saint along with other three members of the family founded in Heidenheim  a monastery that was a stronghold for cultural and missionary work.

Nowadays he would have sat in an appropriately structured office along with another keeping up the defence against secular press.

venerdì 16 dicembre 2011

Bishop  - looked after the body of Christ wounded by the Orthodox Catholic schism.

 Paola Francesca di Rosa

Woman manager for her family silk business, she also led the Ancelle della carità taking care of the bodies wounded by cholera.

 Martin of Tours

Iron soldiery fist against all oppressors and heresies. Silk smooth handling with those in need of his episcopal charity. One wonders what quality he called upon in battling...converting from paganism.


Empreress. Managed the Kingdom after the death of her husband and son. Many monasteries and chapels were built thanks to this lady. Chapels the name derives from 'cape' and is taken from Martin's gesture of donating his to a beggar.

mercoledì 14 dicembre 2011

John of the Cross

Discalced Carmelite

Market stall owner specialised in wool products.

martedì 13 dicembre 2011


 Bishop. Remembered also for having embellished churches.


A young shepard who dreamt of living in the nearby Benedectine monastery. The shade of an oak was his favourite praying spot.


Patron Saint of eyesight.

An oak or a decoratated cathedral...hard to say which is a better eye opener on the Mystery of God.

lunedì 12 dicembre 2011

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe

A poor and humble Indian meets, or better is found, by Our Lady on the Tepeyec  hills...

Alberto Magno

 Thanks to his interest in Aristotle too, faith meets science and reason. Reason is recognised autonomy and the scientific method is given recognition. Wondering how as a scientifical methods inclined Bishop he would have dealt with the recounting with such (epi)phenomenal encounter. With more openness than the skeptically blind Bishop of Juan times.

(note to the faithful readers: I shall pick along with the daily Saint one of the missed ones stepping backwards till ends meet again)

domenica 11 dicembre 2011


Restored the catacombs in Rome and is the author of the Tituli, epitaphs dedicated to the Saints therein buried.

;) A most blessed finding for my catching up blog work with missed on Saints

sabato 10 dicembre 2011

Elisabeth of Hungary
And I shall call you fishermen of Saints: curious to find how many Kings and Queens raised to Sainthood I stumbled into a couple of apronfuls
In England and France only. Back to Hungary. The Lord gave a miraculous helping hand to this Queen with the  family she married into. Humble and generous she met with their hostility and the bread she carried in her apron was often transformed into roses before the eyes that had caught her sneaking out could see.
Womb, I nearly wrote. That was another Queen and another Bread.

Really, we should be all waiting for Father Fredianus – ‘the man who came from the cold’ – but alas little was he known in the Northern countries which he left to flood – one of the many Irish – the city of Florence. We have to thank him if once our city was spared from a flood.  Reason of the travel? ‘Meeting’ another of our locals: San Miniato.
Fredianus stopped the rushing waters with the flood of his words. Makes you wonder how really very few clearly spoken out lines can possibly build a  better barrier to the many dangerous streams of the contemporary relativistic society.
Travelling martyr, he was exilded with his Bishop, Peter and Paul and  his life was ended  on Diocletianus orders (beheading).
How many Bishops self exiled in their palaces by the secularist societal pressure and press?

Edmund king of the Anglians
My kingdom for a horse. Richard III that’s  how much he was ready to pay for a horse. Is a penny too little a reward for a king who gave his life when threatened by the Danes about aburing his faith? In the Kingdom.

Wherever you go,  next time you send a postcard pray to Saint Rufus. ;) Roman courier, he is depicted  in one of the paintings being converted with Saint Anastasia by Crisogonus.
May the fragments of your trips and travels bring you a full faith 

Cecilia of Rome
Woman. Martyr. Virgin.
Have a feeling not enough harping on has been made through the centuries on male clergy celibacy. Its meaning.

Colombano from Bobbio
Born in 542 is the patron saint of motorbikers. Maybe because with quick from above thinking side tricked the devil on a number of occasions? He was also responsible for instituting private vs public confession.
 Finally, brethren, be strengthened in the Lord, and in the might of his power. 11 Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil. 12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. 13 Therefore take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of justice, 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace: 16 In all things taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one. 17 And take unto you the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God). Eph 6 10-17

When under attack from the barbarians called for thick fog to descend on the city of Reggio Emilia.
May his intercession help Bishops worldwise lift the fog blinding ‘Catholic’ politicians in charge of the Catholic citizens.

Caterina d’Alessandria
Accomplished philosopher and theologician she died on a torture wheel and her body was transported on Mount Sinai by an angel.
How many theologicians nowdays try to humanly agree force spin the pope on the theology wheel in their direction – angels keeping it turned in God’s one.

Bishop. Rebuilt the cathedral destroyed by the earthquake, assigned priests to the various chapels of the city, dealt with the misdealings of the local politicians…all in all the average episcopal life events.

Virgilius of Salzburg
Literally buried in historical memory. Interest in his life was resurrected upon finding his body buried in the very cathedral he had built.

Giacomo della Marca
Page 368 Luisa Zerbini Il grande libro dei santi – for his enticing saintly CV.

Another virgin converted and promised in marriage to a prefect. Also her parents later on converted to Christianity.

Net and cross – the symbols of his apostolic mission and martyrdom. Check out your home Bibles for episodes of his life with Jesus.

Eligious from Noyon
Not how you should treat a lady. Grabbing her by the nose with some thongs. But alas that was the devil in disguise. Patron saint of goldsmiths. Shall we add modern day piercings?

Legend? See last line of the next entry. Patroness of mentally ill people. Her life is said to be possibly a legend.

Frances  Xavier
From his rich evangelical missionary travels only one observation: when in China he was challenged by locals saying that only Chinese wisdom  could have produced Christianity. Therefore how could it be something good?
500 or so years later China produces copy cat clergy and rubber stamps Bishops…

Courageous and faithful woman suffered martyrdom at the hands of her own father too. Patron Saint, amongst others, of firefighters, soldiers and all called to deal with explosives, it probably rings appropriate to extend the protection to all those clergy facing explosive pastoral  issues.

Lavra (Narrow path) – the monastic community he founded in Palestine where both solitude and community life could be experienced. He chose the life of the anacoreta yet solved  conflicts between prominent political figures of his times and kept heresies at bay.

Nicholas of Bari
The sea faring saint

A stinging conundrum for the contemporary canonist:  buzzing bees acclaimed the  newly born as Bishop prior the celebration of his Baptism.

Macarius of Alexandria
III century. The devil and beaurocracy: Christians who accepted to venerate the pagan gods were given a certificate (libello) that graced them in front of the guards saving them from martyrdom. God only knows Who really sat in their hearts.

San Siro
The Bp of Milan kicks for the primacy of his diocesis…


Pope. Excommunicated Donatus proponent of the rigorism heresy: to minister or not to minister the Sacraments to those who had committed grave sins? That was the question also in the 400 century.

domenica 16 ottobre 2011

Daniele Comboni
Maria Desolata Torres
Serafino da Montegranaro
Callisto I  

Teresa d'Avila 
Margherita Alacoque

 Shall I be cheeky? read about their lives and find one element in common (aside from Sainthood) ;)

Good night :)

ok ...shall do my homework too :o

sabato 8 ottobre 2011

An eclipse darkened the skies when Jesus that day died, Dionysus being present. May the Light His Resurrection brought shine once again in contemporary Christian countries like Dionysus made possible the encounter between Greek wisdom and Christ's message, bringing out the fruit of the first.

Francesco d'Assisi

What can we pick from his well known life? maybe the wolf he soothed in Gubbio.Thoughts to some contemporary aggressive lobbies...

 Petronius - Bishop

Lived at the times of the barbaric invasions...

In the times when married men were allowed to the Bishopry (did not say good times ;)), Tullia was the saintly daughter of such and sister to another saint...the notes of a well known song in Italian come to mind

santa  la moglie santa la figlia santa la figlia della sorella era santa pure quella...
(lyrics changed)

Founder of the chartreuse where monks lived in laborious much silence is there in some communities, but of the hostile pent up envies etc type? time for some self taming?

A paralytic he was made abbot of a monastery after recovering the use of both arms and legs, without which he built a hermitage dedicated to Saint Martin of Tours who had made the miracle possible. How? raisng the money needed with begging.


Had I not taken a friend out to choose the right jacket for the Vatican...I would have said that the Bp life changing reminder to Pelagia that it is the adornment of the soul what really  matters applied just to the ladies ;)

domenica 2 ottobre 2011

Lions and Arcangels

Michael, Gabriel and Raphael

The arcangels
The meaning of which names are respectively

Who is like God?
God is strong 
God has healed


Studied the Bible in depth and plucked a thorn from a lion's paws

When is the last time you plucked the thorn out of a difficult situation and some guidance out of the Scriptures?

Therese of the Infant Jesus
The little way...a little act of kindness...see the post above....

Guardian Angels

Did Jesus have one?

mercoledì 28 settembre 2011


Pick up your swords boehemians!

oops! I meant your brother's sword...the one he(or she) aimed at you with. Whatever the point of contention, pick it up and bring it to a peaceful resolution.

btw the use of the word 'boehemien' is intended here as a follower of this Saint who originated from Boehemia. Could have just as well used 'Christian', remember that time in history when Jesus healed the ear of the soldier who had been wounded in his defence by an overheated disciple?

martedì 27 settembre 2011

Cosma and Damian - twins, martyrs and doctors

Have you ever thought of having a twin parish somewhere else in the world? with mail exchanges between 8th and other grade graders. Christ is the same everywhere. Life circumstances vary but the steering principles are the same.

Helpful for Frs too. Light each other torches!

Saint Vincent de Paul 

“The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility. For, as he does not know at all how to employ it, neither does he know how to defend himself from it.”

domenica 25 settembre 2011

 Terentius - depicted holding a model of the city of Pesaro and associated to an ever sprouting sulphureus fountain. A reminder to Bps to water the cities entrusted to them with the Word of the Lord
(incidentally here in Florence we had a downpour over a Mass gathering ;))

Cleofa - cousin of Jesus, either being Saint Joseph's brother or Mary's sister' husband (Mary of Cleofa), was one of the two disciples who met and did not recognise Jesus on the way to Emmaus, till he broke bread and poured the wine. How many are still on that road and do not recognise him even when they see the Eucharist with their own eyes? should they do, Mass maybe would not be so boring.

sabato 24 settembre 2011

 Pietro Claver - a missionary in the land of slaves. To him we entrust the numerous immigrants of today's society

Nicola da Tolentino - maybe more than one of you knows of the deal that an architect made with the devil relating to the construction of what is known as the 'devil's bridge'. And how this Saint intervened for his salvation.

Sperandea - "God will provide"

Giulio Pellegrino - initially chose to become a merchant. His first ship founded and he chose the life of a pilgrim.

Giovanni Crisostomo - destined to the life of the administrator, he followed God's call. Incidentally, how valuable a talent in the priestly ministry.

Materno di Colonia - and his battling with the Donatist schism to save the unity of Christians

Rolando - "che volle una vita di quelle che non dormi mai..."  quoting a famous contemporary Italian singer. In other words he chose not a debauched life though but the hardships of the hermit, avoiding contact with men not to fall into temptation.

Cornelio and Cipriano - the attention of the first for the lapsi, the fallen away, and his intervention for Christian unity in the opposition between indulgent and rigorous.

Ildegarda di Bingen - the relationship of the German Bishops with this Saint must have changed I guess.Given the openness of some to female priests (not endorsed on this blog).

Giuseppe da Copertino -  called himself a donkey friar. Tempting to have replied 'you will make a good Bishop' ;)

Gennaro - and his life martyrdom. Thoughts  go to clergy mauled by contemporary society's tides

Susanna di Euleutrepoli - whys she chose the convent and not the nunnery is a mystery to me. Anyone care explaining?

Matteo - represented with a scale...mmmh the Word of the Lord vs PCness

 Maurizio - Roman soldier martyrised for refusing idolatry. Represented with his armour, would make an ideal sticker for a potential album. Sticking to Sainthood.

Tecla - for an account of the power a woman can have, read Acta Pauli et Teclae. Always to be as for men be ascribed to God the Father.

So after a few days of absences I have caught up with the line of saintly figures climbing up Jerusalem Mount (see the poem by Montale  quoted below ...on how the poet is meditatively absorbed in contemplating the lines of ants climbing up the small mounts in the grounds...out of metaphore the effect of historical perspective)

Meriggiare pallido e assorto
presso un rovente muro d' orto,
ascoltare tra i pruni e gli sterpi
schiocchi di merli, frusci di serpi.

Nelle crepe del suolo o su la veccia
spiar le file di rosse formiche
ch' ora si rompono ed ora s' intrecciano
a sommo di minuscole biche.
Meriggiare pallido e assorto
presso un rovente muro d'o

ascoltare tra i pruni e gli sterpi
schiocchi di merli, frusci di serpi.

Nelle crepe dei suolo o su la veccia
spiar le file di rosse formiche
ch'ora si rompono ed ora s'intrecciano
a sommo di minuscole biche.

giare pallido e assorto
presso un rovente muro d'orto,
ascoltare tra i pruni e gli sterpi
schiocchi di merli, frusci di serpi.
Nelle crepe dei suolo o su la veccia
spiar le file di rosse formiche
ch'ora si rompono ed ora s'intrecciano
a sommo di minuscole biche.

lunedì 5 settembre 2011

Joseph the Patriarch

Lorenzo Guarnieri

Both disowned by their families in different ways. The first is the well known Biblical story. The second one was chased away when found begging at their doorstep.

Maybe one day sitting on the parish bookshelf we shall see a small booklet "How to recognise  a Saint in your family and help him/her grow in holyness" (not that everyone cannot aspire;))

venerdì 2 settembre 2011

Gregorius Magnus

Patron saint of singers.

A personal note to remember how Divine Mercy strings hearts via music. With special thoughts to my father in law who loved music, and mourning whom at my parish altar to Our Lady, I was lifted via the notes of an organ to another music lover, in search of an organ to practice on at home and which she found thanks to another music lover in the family and her fiancee.

The thread of the thread? you never know what may be going on in your parish Father ;)


Memories of this saint carry the memo of a sin that miraculosuly appeared before a king, or emperor, approached the Eucharist revealing his unconfessable sin.

 As for today's saint


Started a new trend for monasticism - from ascetism and hermitage to cenobitism. Say that your Bp asked you to leave your pastoral duties for a month. Which of the two options would you choose and why?

mercoledì 31 agosto 2011

Orthodoxically speaking

Abbondio (Tessalonica - Como 468)

Bp who fought against various heresies in particular in defence of the Nicene Creed, his feast day, orthodoxically speaking, falls on the day previous this post of mine.

Too obvious a connection?  thoughts go to don Abbondio in The Bethroded by Alessandro Manzoni. Fearful of authorities, he talks of himself as a terracotta vase caught and tossed between the iron vessels representing the authorities of the times.

Am I allowed to turn my thoughts to Cardinal Bertone who tries to pour some Catholic values into politics gathering the terracotta vessels embodied by our Italian Christian politicians?

ps I double checked and the post falls this time on the right day (not that Saints should be dropped out of consideration straight after their feast days ;)

martedì 30 agosto 2011

Saint John the Baptist, martyr - a woman had the head of this prophet under the axe

Margherita Ward martyr - a woman lost her life to protect a Catholic  priest from imprisonment

The power of faith (or lack of in doing evil)

domenica 28 agosto 2011

Sometimes they do

Fall far from the good tree....but then good apples always roll back home

Augustine - Monica's son

sabato 27 agosto 2011

Saintly family trees


Saint Augustine mother

How many families can you name that have more than one Saint in?

venerdì 26 agosto 2011

A name to a face


For some info on his life and deeds google him yourself wiki or a Catholic website. There is a wealth on info in the cyberkingdom. The upkeeping of which we entrust to king Saint Louis 

lunedì 22 agosto 2011


Andrea da Fiesole, Scotus

Google it yourself...the connection with salad in this saintly life ;)

(and stop by any saint that appeal to your spiritual buds)

domenica 21 agosto 2011

Pious X and the sweeping winds of modernism

Pious X

Liturgy, catechism. renewal of sacred music, biblical studies, reform of Canon Law, centralisation of Church organisation, restoration of rigour and moralisation within the Church. These the core concerns of his papacy along with sheltering this from State interferences on the local clergy, which happened especially  in France and Spain, as well as from the dangers of modernism...

All consolidating works on deck  on the journeying ark that could not take place at the drop of a hat ;)

sabato 20 agosto 2011

Saint Bernard of Clarevalle

Patron Saint of bee keepers

What thoughts are buzzing around your mind today? Share the honey with your spiritual sister or brother.

(for mine...that episode of his late very late age involving him and his sister non stormy night...)

May the Lord bless you, whatever

venerdì 19 agosto 2011

Couldn't get my head around this one

Ludovico d'Angiò, Bishop

Which teaching can we extract?

Called first to become a king, he renounced to the crown in favour of his brother and chose the Franciscan habit, which he wore also under his episcopal robes. After his death the body was reexumed and it was found out that the brain was missing.

Tip of the day - think of how each part of your body is playing his part in your ministry and call path  (clue, do not overlook what calls for treasuring...)

giovedì 18 agosto 2011

Spiritual heirloom

Elena the Emperess

Your choice.

Elena wore it in a long platt and linnen is cultivated on her feast day to symbolise its strength.  Saint Clare had it cut by San Francesco' s own hands in sign of humility and obedience.

But no shortcuts on the path to faith!

PC note For those who have...for those who don't...let the Lord shine forth from atop :)

mercoledì 17 agosto 2011


How's your spiritual appetite today asked Rocco to his brothers and sisters in pilgrimage.

Well, these words were not actually uttered by the Saint patron of pilgrims nor words in the line of

A Saint a day keeps the devil away.

Have you taken your daily Word?

Keep your spiritual pulse in check.

Do not set on your daily journey without having fuelled up on prayer.

Do not slip on the nails of shortcomings and if you do, see a confessor asap to seal the tyres and not let Grace flow out

martedì 16 agosto 2011

In loving memory


who died, a boy,at the hands of  his persecutors,holding forth in the clasp of his hands the one who is in our hearts and leaps with joy in the deepest of our midst when we find ourselves in the familial presence of the brothers and sisters mirroring tabernacles of our souls in the Creator.

Santa Chiara da Montefalco

A nun who took part to various discussion defending Truth against heresies.

When the ciborium  is back in the safety of the tabernacle do you hold Jesus solely  to yourself?

domenica 14 agosto 2011

(change for copywright reason a video series already existed with the precedent title)

padre Kolbe - first leader on earth of the Militia of the Immaculate

Mia amata Mamma, verso la fine del mese di maggio sono giunto con un convoglio ferroviario nel campo di Auschwitz. Da me va tutto bene. Amata Mamma, stai tranquilla per me e per la mia salute, perché il buon Dio c'è in ogni luogo e con grande amore pensa a tutti e a tutto

My dear Mother, toward the end of may I reached on a train carriage Auschwitz. All is well with me. Beloved Mother. do not worry for me and my health,because God's goodness is everywhere and with great love cares for everyone and everything.

London August 2011 - the looters managed to burn down a five generations old store but not the good  generation in flesh that gives us hope. With all those affected and combating for the good.

sabato 13 agosto 2011

Laying the way to the ministry (and the Table)

Ippolito di Roma -theologician and the first antipope, after reconciling with the real Pope(had opposed both the ones that had succeded each other in election), was executed with the second  after imprisonment. Secular authorities were evidently deeply concerned about both. In spite of his staunch defence against heresy and moral laxism toward adultery and homicide?

Giovanna Francesca de Chantal -  a charismatic Bishop  and her faithful disciple, a woman mother of two children, who after raising them, dedicated her life to collaborating with San Frances of Sales Bishop of Ginevra. Seems that the role of the laity started to bud between the 17th  and 18th century, though the thought also goes to the deaconesses who helped the priests and the women supporting the disciples in various ways. Never did they preach from the pulpit nor they were called to the celebration of the memorial of the sacrifice of the Last Supper.

giovedì 11 agosto 2011

Saint Clare

Saint Clare

Please forgive my slip on tradition if I entrust all workers to her prayers.

Been reading a book on John Paul II pilgrimage to Maremma visiting factories, mines and other places where industrious humanity was allowed to flourish in working conditions fully respectful of human dignity.

Though the way is still long...but just think of what Saint Francesco did with a small bunch of friars restructuring that ruined  church - with the intercessory prayers of Saint Clare ;)

martedì 9 agosto 2011

Santa Teresa della Croce

Formerly Edith Stein

Have you ever wondered why nuns change their name but diocesan or religious priests never do?

If you had too, what would your choice be?

lunedì 8 agosto 2011

Back roosting

Starting from today, and invoking all Saints forgiveness for this forgetting of updating, I shall procede to back roost

 Domenico di Guzman - portrayed in the icons holding a book. Com'on! Ponder how you would like to be portrayed in never know (the Lord does)

Donato - collected the pieces of the broken chalice and poured the wine with no drop falling out. How similar to pieceing together a broken parish and pouring in the Word of the Lord?

 Giordano, martyr - born in Agrigento died in Nagasaki. Where will your ministry take you?

Emidio, martyr, cephalophorous, carrying his own head - don't lose it to the lures of secularism!

 Giovanni Maria Vianney - why not entrusting yourself to him before starting your confessional schedule?

 Lidia - she hosted the Word of the Lord and then, having made her heart his home, those who ministered it.

 Eusebio da Vercelli, Bishop-  battled against Arianism. Do we call them protestant denominations today? ;)

giovedì 28 luglio 2011

Nazarius and Celsius (Gallia-Rome; Rome - Milan 304)

9 years old and a faith so solidly ingrained that nothing could attack it.


Whats the temperature of your parish kids?

mercoledì 27 luglio 2011

Pugnatious priests

Simeon the Stilite (Sis, Cilicia, Turkey 380 - Syria, 2nd September 459)

Certainly not the appropriate adjective to describe this hermit.

A suggestion to canonically enforce such form of penance on priests who attempt to sort out publishing on the parish boards issues  via fist fighting?The reference is to a specific case in Italy which we shall leave unanmed, calling the readers to reflect on which occasions it could have been them in the news - without gracing the higher ranks ;) nor the female side, another case popping to mind.

 Just an invitation to use a pinch of Solomon in such and similar events.

martedì 26 luglio 2011

Joachim and Anna Our Lady's parents (Jerusalem I BC?)

A saintly family indeed...prior the definition  in canonical terms of what a saint is.

 Any saintlike people in your family? the saintliest? or the least black sheep? ;)

lunedì 25 luglio 2011

Mary Magdalene,Bridget and Catherine from Bolsena

For the past three days.

Now back to the boys!

Saint James (Tiberiad?- Galilee 43 or44)

First evangelist...buried in Santiago de Compostela...pilgrimages...patron Saint of chemists and soldiers.

If you were to be recognised as a saint what could you be the patron saint of?

giovedì 21 luglio 2011

There I was

Suspended my Lady Bracknell duties, with a red bitter in hand sitting in a lugli position to best savour the assembling of instruments (right behind the mixing desk), next to me a Tom Waitsian father&two sons and on the other side the newly purchased copy of John Paul II "The threshold of hope".

 The concert? It was in aid of Terra Libera an organisation set up by don Ciotti to rescue and relaunch economically lands confiscated from the mafia.

Lorenzo da Brindisi, Doctor of the Church (Brindisi, July,1559 - Belem, Portugal, 1619)

Military chaplain and indepth conouisser of the Bible...

mercoledì 20 luglio 2011

First and latest

Apollinare, Bishop, martyr (Antiochia, I, Turkey - II century)

 First Bishop of Ravenna

Who was the first Bishop of your Archidiocesis? What was the pastoral configuration of the vineyard you are working in now? how did it change over the centuries? etc etc

 Of can also send out a troop of Communicants to ask a few Qs to the current one and maybe then write an insert for that parish bulletin or why not a leaflet to be placed on that table close to Our Lady's altar. For some reflections and entrusting prayers.

(time you pop your nose out your parish window Fr!;))

martedì 19 luglio 2011

Arsenio the Great

Arsenio the Great, hermit (Rome 354 - Menfi,450)

The Saint of the day?


lunedì 18 luglio 2011

Saint Rosalia - entrusting her Charlene and her marriage to the Prince of Monaco

 Antiocus - entrusting him all Bishops 'martyrised' by the media

 Alessio beggar - 17 years he spent living under a staircase unrecognised by his parents. How many times has your ministerial face not been recognised by your own flock? (remember that Jesus too was not recognised by his own disciples a few times).

And that Our Lady never fails to recognise her children :)

venerdì 15 luglio 2011

Travelling with the Saints

Saint Rosalia martyr (Palermo, XII century - 4th September 1160)

 Antiocus martyr (Anastasiopoli in Galitia, Turkey or Ancira Mesopotamia III century)

 Alessio beggar (Rome or Constantinople, V century - 17th July?)

 Rufillo from Forlimpopoli Bishop (Forlimpopoli, Forlì, IV-V century)

Promise! When I get back in three days time from my week end break, I shall have some reflections on each.

What else in common aside from Sainthood?

And what is Sainthood?

 Last but not least and starting from the last, which do you think will be (or which one do you think is) the drake of your ministry the monster whose back you have to break? (with Our Lady's help)

giovedì 14 luglio 2011

Camillo de Lellis (Bucchianico, 25th May 1550 - Rome,14th July 1614)

Founder of the Red Cross.

All the more urgent today to remind that the medical and nursing profession call is to support life and not hasten its end via cruel practices.

mercoledì 13 luglio 2011

Saint Henry II, King (973-Bamberg, Germany, 13th July 1024)

Married to a Saint (Cunegonda), his brother in law was a Saint.

Unlikely you have such a bout of Saints concentrating in one family, but limiting the search to the ones crowning your parish area, which jewels can you cast to inspire your parishioners? (and maybe organise that parish trip next...)

martedì 12 luglio 2011

San Paolino

San Paolino, Bishop (Lucca, I century)

Baptised by the hermit Antonius who - the story goes -  used to bury the bodies of the Christians killed in martyrdom. The latter a better candidate to be entrusted all those wishing to be hermits on the approaching of the Assisi dialogue meeting devoted to bringing together the Body of Christ.;)

lunedì 11 luglio 2011

Pious charts

Saint Benedict of Norcia (Norcia, Perugia, 480 - Montecassino, Frosinone,  21st March 543/560)

Most people are familiar with this Saint's memorable words

 ora et labora
  (pray and work)

but I can probably claim copyright on the idea of drawing a pious pardon pie chart of the time you devote in your ministry between active involvement (breakable into different specific ministries) and prayer (breakable into group devotions and individual prayer time).

The Father's Business thats what you were called to take care of ;)

domenica 10 luglio 2011

Santa Seconda and Santa Rufina (Rome, III-Rome, 260)

Martyrs - future spouses killed by their going to be husbands when these were refused for chastity on turning to paganism.

Today couples pre Cana preparation poses other challenges. How would you pass on a reflection on your experiences to a novel priest taking over? or, if still in the seminary, what are your fears, expectations, hopes regarding propping a vocation that you felt was not your own.

 Of course, you can retire in silent prayer for a good while ;)

sabato 9 luglio 2011

Specialised master

Or in italian 'aureola specialistica'...

Secluded nun who had a number of mystical experiences, among which the crown of thorns and a transfixion of the heart

Veronica Giuliani, prioress (Mercatello sul Metauro, Urbino, 1660- Città di Castello, 9 Luglio, 1727)

Entrusting to her the prayer that the understanding will spread that a priest is the most indicated person to root Marriage preparation where it stems - the Bible stemming form the Church - and the sole one - via Apostolic Succession - that can give the ceremony the Sacramental Annointing seal to the vows that are valid by the mutual interchanges of the spouses, the union of which is called to mirror in fidelity the Ark of the Covenant and the relationship between the Bride and his Spouse, Christ, with all the moral guuidelnes ensuing (counselling being left in the hands of qualified professional in pshychology too).

Provided, of course, that you placed Christ at the centre.

venerdì 8 luglio 2011

Aquila and Priscilla spouses, martyrs (Ponto Eusino, Mar Nero - Rome I century)

 Boys&girls! Don't twist your souls rocking your bodies ;)

  God loves you!

giovedì 7 luglio 2011


Antonino Fantosati Bishop (Trevi, Perugia 1842 - Hoang-Scia-Wan, China July 1900)

For his ministry the description like an elephant in a china shop does not apply. Instead, he integrated into the societal difficulties of the time and with great delicacy carried out his ministry.

(with daily thanks to Luisa Zerbini from whose book "Il grande libro dei santi" I daily pinch a piece of info)

martedì 5 luglio 2011

Holy Orders?

Santa Maria Goretti

Powerlessness of women? Meditate then on the strength  flowing from her Faith and the shakiness of the rock onto which God founded his Church: Peter. Three times he denied Jesus. Yet Jesus, the Son of God, entrusted the flock to him and the first Twelve Apostles, under the prayerful eyes of Mother Mary waiting with them in the upper room for the investing descent of the Holy Spirit on that day of Pentecost.

It is not a human institution but a divinely set one. Unclutter your eyes from a worldly vision that sees the pastoral role of the priest in purely human terms. Do this in memory of me. Eat of my Flesh and drink of my Blood to partake of that Eternal Life. The Mass is a memorial of the Death and Resurrection and offering of the Lord on the altar of Sacrifice for the redemption of our sins via the offering of his Son Jesus Christ. The priest on the altar acts in persona Christi. Via the uninterrupted annointing that sprang on and from the Twelve on that day 2000 years ago.

It is not a question of skills and talents. We are all frail and lacking, holy in our human qualities, and Holy in our divine potential. Since the old Testament till now women have played an essential role in the ministry and evangelisation. Numberless are the lives of the Saints. Weak and in need of God's guidance and strengthening no less and no more than men.

Nothing is missing in the Orders. What is failing is our willingness to look at human history with God's eyes.

Lay down your cards

Saint Anthony Zacariah (Cremona 1502-1539)

First community of priests devoted to society. First nunnery where nuns were not bound to clausura. First community of lay married  men  involved in the apostolic work.

Which lay forces have you got to play in your parish array?

lunedì 4 luglio 2011


Elisabeth of Portugal (Saragoze, Spain, 1271 - Estremoz, Portugal, 4th July 1336)

Another crowned head

the life of whom you can find recounted in the above web page or in one of the many others that have sprung in the latest cyber decades.

 My invitation for the reflection of your day is: what crown of ministry thorns were you called to wear today? and how can you make those thorns flower tomorrow?

 Do not it at the feet of Our Lady and let the repose of the tired heart bring its answer in due time. God's time.

domenica 3 luglio 2011


Minor girls abducted unnoticed from discoes to be raped, when not also killed, gay lobbyst pushing their agendas even at kindergarten level without parental consent, paedophiles ready to flee with their daughter to have her abort the innocent offspring of their, the adults, incestuous violence, parents denied rights to parental consent for kids as young as eight for access to contraception and abortion in the name of sexual freedom ratified at UN level (including the right to have sex with objects) and governments issuing school directives inviting school kids to have an orgasm a day.

Yet should we bring up during Catechism  the real too story of Maria Goretti who aged 12 was pleading her rapist to stop otherwise HE would go to hell, we would be accused of shocking the children with age inappropriateness, when not of other accuses.

Why? Saint Thomas help us understand

Santa Maria Goretti (1890-1902)

sabato 2 luglio 2011

Ladislao King (Poland, 1040 - Transilvania Romania)
Ester Queen (first half of the V century a.C, for her life see Bible OT)
Monegonda (Chartres, France - Tours, France VI century)

A King, a Queen and a lay woman. Both the latter married...Monegonda seeked life in the shadow healing the sick. In the shadow Esther acted to ensure the Jews did not fall in Aman's trap revealing his true intentions to her husband. Ladislao ruled his country with an illumined heart.All bore Jesus' Lamp of Truth and Love wherever the Lord planted them.

mercoledì 29 giugno 2011

Take me to the letter

Saint Peter and Paul (Tarsus, 5 - Rome 67)

Imagine for a moment that you are not Peter but Paul. Suppose you have to write an epistle to Philemon - an email if you prefer - presenting him an accurate as possible picture of the parish he is about to embark.

What would you write?

I did not say Peter because albeit not even the choice of Philemon is up to your pick - the Bishop decides - the selection of 'Peter' befalls in the hands - pardon - the wings of the Holy Spirit.

martedì 28 giugno 2011

Dating out of date

Iraneus of Lyons (Smirne, Turkey 130 - Lyons, France, 200)

One night stands...I thought that that was the only novelty of our times, but it seems that there is a whole set of terms denoting whether a rapport stretches or not as far as including the following morning breakfast.

Connection with a Bishop that, with pacifying intentions, travelled across the storms of his age? He learnt the language of the pagans.

Time those pagans in collar learn the language of the youth, trying to understand what lies behind the search for such short lived rapports with many different partners where the physical is the only searched for aspect?

lunedì 27 giugno 2011

Forerunners (continued...)

Cyrillus of Alexandria (Alexandria of Egypt, 370-444)

Sitting South and North, or East and West, of the Vatican II Conciliar Bank - in terms of ordination year and ages, many a priest - or current seminarian - will ask themselves if it was, since then, that the notion of 'heresy' became 'heretical'. Comparing Cyrillus ferocious battling against the Nestorians to the ecumenical openings to the multiplicity of protestant outlooks on the Gospels and, when included in the Bible, the OT.

(for the image I gratefully thank a couple of pics, heart stored from the gallery)

Blessed those who can ponder such issues in the cooling shades of that valley.

domenica 26 giugno 2011

Smashing ministry

Vigilio (Rome, 355-Val Rendena, Giugno 405)

 In the course of his evengelisation ministry in the Alto Adige and Trentino valleys, on finding a pagan idol on his route he destroyed it.

Can you think of an example in your ministry - lived or foreseen if still in your seminarian years - where acting with more pastoral acumen would have been more advisable?

sabato 25 giugno 2011

Fore Crawlers

I wish I could remember all the names
Lets hope Frs will remember in a few years time to ask the kids what they remember of the day
And lets make sure next time visitors will know that the Baptistry holds not a mass celebration but a special for a few
Rejoicing in the decibels raising the Bp's ears above the avarage pastoral council
In waiting for the 2011-2012 crawling lot

And making sure from their push chairs  at the door, serious faced,  that their name is on the selected list

Guglielmo Abate (Vercelli,1085-Goleto di Nusco, Avellino, 1142)
In modern terms, a pilgrimage sites trotter.

One more memory from the day? That toddling boy thudding flat down when the Bp was reminding the pews of God's saving mercy :)

Un solo Battesimo. La Chiesa Fiorentina fa memoria del Battesimo dei suoi figli nel bel San Giovanni

Solennità di San Giovanni Battista patrono della città di Firenze

24 Giugno 2011, ore 18 30

Battistero di San Giovanni Battista

venerdì 24 giugno 2011

Forerunners (continued...)

This is a silly one

Saint John the Baptist

 OK not the Saint of course...but the reflection point. Amongst the relevant events and deeds that characterised the life of Jesus closest disciple - best mate or buddy we would say now - are the facts that he wore a tunic made of camel skin and ate locusts.

How many other Saints can you think at the drop of a hat that are associated with animals? Would make a helpful children calendar (and a good memory jog for adults like me too ;)).

mercoledì 22 giugno 2011

Father read my mind!

Pilgrimages! Said the visiting Father today at the end of the Mass in the Duomo. Florence should become a destination for pilgrims thirsting for faith.

En route we are, having a large portion of the centre been pedestriansied. 99 to go and ready for the 100 stations of the second major saint pardon saint major of the city. In due time steps being accomplished ;)

btw this post is valid for tomorrow

Lanfranco, Bishop (Gropello, Pavia, 1124 - Pavia, 23 Giugno 1198)

Tomorrow, then, hold your  spiritual breath waiting for the next!

Forerunners (continued...)

Saint Thomas More (London 1478-1535)

He lost his head for  truth - literally.

Too well known the life of this Saint made known to the large also lay audience  via the film A man for all  Seasons ( for the need to say anything else about him. Watch the film if you haven't.

My tip for today is: have your saying with any fellow clergy man or sister you find on your way. Share your favourite quote at every opportunity.

martedì 21 giugno 2011

San Luigi Gonzaga (Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mantova  1568 - Roma, 1591)

He died after catching leprosy from a sick person he had found on his way and that he carried himself.

Imagine for a moment (not theologically supported ;)) that you are allowed to take with you some luggage to the  heavenlies - a statue, specifically, representing your ministry. What would it be? Could be anything seen for real or imagined reading the life of  a Saint.

lunedì 20 giugno 2011


Pope St. Silverius (Ceccano, Frosinone 480 - Palmarola, Ponza 537)

When he stood up against the Byzantine court to defend the Church against the Monophysites, they took off his papal robes and let him  die of hunger and thirst on the island of Palmarola,  naked like Jesus on the cross, but could not took off him the apostolic spirit that had been passed on into him when Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit into the first apostles.