martedì 5 luglio 2011

Holy Orders?

Santa Maria Goretti

Powerlessness of women? Meditate then on the strength  flowing from her Faith and the shakiness of the rock onto which God founded his Church: Peter. Three times he denied Jesus. Yet Jesus, the Son of God, entrusted the flock to him and the first Twelve Apostles, under the prayerful eyes of Mother Mary waiting with them in the upper room for the investing descent of the Holy Spirit on that day of Pentecost.

It is not a human institution but a divinely set one. Unclutter your eyes from a worldly vision that sees the pastoral role of the priest in purely human terms. Do this in memory of me. Eat of my Flesh and drink of my Blood to partake of that Eternal Life. The Mass is a memorial of the Death and Resurrection and offering of the Lord on the altar of Sacrifice for the redemption of our sins via the offering of his Son Jesus Christ. The priest on the altar acts in persona Christi. Via the uninterrupted annointing that sprang on and from the Twelve on that day 2000 years ago.

It is not a question of skills and talents. We are all frail and lacking, holy in our human qualities, and Holy in our divine potential. Since the old Testament till now women have played an essential role in the ministry and evangelisation. Numberless are the lives of the Saints. Weak and in need of God's guidance and strengthening no less and no more than men.

Nothing is missing in the Orders. What is failing is our willingness to look at human history with God's eyes.

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